
F is for Fairyfly

Flirt over the Fairyfly, you narcissist and follow it's ways
having neither nuclei nor numerous neurons and yet prolifically prominent on this ball of dust.
Like dust it skirts outside our pan of perception and glides the edges of our consideration.

Follow it's path and you also shall master this world


E is for Eland

Consider the Eland
, the world's largest antelope yet it is more like a cow. It is the same size as the Giant Eland but it makes no complaints. Eland, named by the dutch using the same word for moose. Consider it large mammal identity crisis and how it still lives as it is and how it should. Consider the confusion of our namings and apply it to the boxes you send out as words and truths...


D is For Dustmite

Consider the Dustmite, direct sunlight can kill it, yet it is the cause of most forms of Asthma and allergys. they live on flakes of human skin and in all of earths enviroments, they are a type of spider.


C is for Chameleon

Go to the Chameleon and consider his ways. He looks not only to his own interests but can truly focus on others able to see completely around. He is the great earth lion. Many think he likes to hide but his power is used to show where he truly is. He does not hide when he is blue and when he is in love you know that too.


B is for Beetle

Consider the Beetle. Look to it for invention and determination. Look upon this creature dreamers of this world. It rolls up waste to create homes and resources for newborns. Makes use of plants and hair to deep water dive. Ancient Egypt looked upon the scarab and were inspired to create their system for burying and mummifying their dead, thus lifting these animals to sacred creatures.

Consider these sacred builders and architects O dreamers, let them become muses for your future.


A is for Ant

"Go to the Ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man."
Proverbs 6:6-11